Table of Contents

1. お目当ての物件が決まったら

・ まずは現在の空室状況をお問い合わせください。


2. 入居申込書のご提出


※審査の際に必要書類 (*1) を提出していただく場合もございます。



3. ご契約・契約金のお振込み

契約関係書類 (*2) と精算明細書を、郵便等でお送りいたします。

ご確認の上、契約関係書類に署名・捺印し、入居申込書に記載された 必要書類(*1) と一緒にご送付ください。


4. 契約金のめやす (2年契約の場合)

■ 敷金 賃料の2ヵ月分

■ 礼金 賃料の2ヵ月分

■ 仲介手数料 賃料の1ヵ月分+消費税

■ 当月分家賃・共益費+翌月分家賃・共益費  (契約日によって異なりますが、1ヵ月分前後)

■ 住宅総合保険 17,000円(2年分)※30平米以上のお部屋の場合は額が異なります

5. 契約金のめやす (2年契約の場合)

ご入居の前に、 電気・ガス・水道の開始手続き(*3)を行ってください。尚、ガスの開栓には立会いが必要です。 ※お風呂・キッチン等の給湯はガスを利用しています。


Required Documents


Individual contract

For prospective tenants signing individually

Individual Contract


・ Resident card (for all residents)
・ Copy of income certificate (withholding certificate or tax payment certificate)
・ Employment certificate (employee ID card or health insurance card, copy of student ID card for students, etc.)
- A copy of your driver's license or passport

A contract with a rent guarantee company is required. (Please inquire for details.)

Application Document


Corporate Contract

For prospective tenants that are signing from a company

Corporate Contract

Applicant corporation
, certified copy of register or company information pamphlet, etc.
, certificate of seal impression

card (for all residents)
Copy of health insurance card
Copy of driver's license or passport

*Even in the case of a corporate contract, we may ask you to sign a contract with a rent guarantee company.

Application Document
What are in the contract documents?
  • Building Lease Contract

    You can check all details of your lease

  • Description of important matters

    Highlights of the contract that are important

  • Description based on the Rental Housing Dispute Prevention Ordinance (Tokyo Rules)

    Rules and Regulations that must be followed depending on your district

  • Electrical appliances, furniture, etc.

    How to use certain appliances at home

Procedures for starting electricity, gas, and water

Tokyo Gas Move-on day only

0570-002-230 Mon-Sat (excluding holidays) 9:00 – 19:00

Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of Waterworks Customer Center

03-5326-1100 Mon – Sat (excluding holidays) 8:30 – 20:00

  • Tokyo Electric Power Company Tokyo Customer Center (1st)

  • 0120-995-00 January to Saturday (excluding holidays) 9:00 – 20:00

  • Service Areas:
    • Koto Ward
    • Sumida Ward
    • Edogawa Ward
    • Katsushika Ward
    • Taito Ward
    • Arakawa Ward
    • Adachi Ward
    • Shibuya Ward
    • Setagaya Ward
    • Shinagawa Ward
    • Meguro Ward
    • Ota Ward
  • TEPCO Tokyo Customer Center (No. 2)

  • 0120-995-00 May – Sat (excluding holidays) 9:00 – 20:00

  • Service Areas:
    • Chiyoda Ward
    • Chuo Ward
    • Minato Ward
    • Shinjuku Ward
    • Toshima Ward
    • Bunkyo Ward
    • Itabashi Ward
    • Kita Ward
    • Nerima Ward
    • Suginami Ward
    • Nakano Ward

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